Monday, January 24, 2011

WEEK 34!!!! Oh, yeah, here we have the 2nd amphibian of the series, Neurergus kaiseri, also commonly referred to as the Kaiser newt!

You know what they say right?  "No newts is good newts!"  But this newt is breaking headlines these days.  These newts grow to about 5 inches, sometimes slightly larger. Their incredible pattern and coloration make them one of the most sought after newts on this earth. They originate in a small section of Iran that is said to be about 10 square Kilometers, and illegal pet trade markets have turned them to an endangered specie which is listed as a CITES I animal!  If you aren't aware, this CITES listing makes their international transportation extremely tricky and very regulated. Animals can be set up either in an aquatic fashion or in a terrestrial like enclosure with hides. My animals enjoy eating black worms, bloodworms, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, fruit flies and their larvae, pin head crickets, maggots, and of course krill.  When they get a bit larger I will offer them little earthworms and it would be nice to even get them on pellets. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WEEK 33!!! 19 left after this one! This week I'm presenting you with a primitive specie of gecko the Aeluroscalabotes felinus/dorsalis a.k.a. the cat gecko

Well, these are some interesting creatures right here, that's for sure. These animals come from several different areas including, but possibly not limited to Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo, Thailand, and I believe Cambodia as well. This being the case there are several phenotypical variances between the animals from certain locales and there is also some talk about this specie being separated into several rather than just the one, but I am no expert on scientific nomenclature so let's just move on with all that here-say as it is neither here nor there. Right here, right now, we are concentrating on some broad, and general info on the species, and more importantly, yes indeed, you guessed it, some pictures.  Well, from the little I know of these geckos, there are a few variations in the size of the animal, as well as the pattern, and the eye color.  The two that command respect and special recognition are the rare Johor silver eyed, and an animal which is a bit larger than the average cat geckos, the Borneo green eyed variety. All of these animals are very unique, not only in their appearance (prehensile, curled tails, the way they sleep like a house cat, and their retractable claws) but in their slow movements, and their behavior in general. They are for me a cool little project that I am always looking to learn more on and for that reason they are here on the countdown....enjoy the pics!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

WEEK 32 already? This week is another African gecko....Colopus kochi !

OK, so you question what is this whole African gecko thing that's going on over here at the Raw Dog Ranch you say? Well, simply answered it comes down to the fact that I have had my eye on these animals for a while, and have decided to branch out from the traditional Aussie species which is really getting me amped up!!! I call these guys the snoop-dogs (or snoop doggy dogs for all you old school cats out there ;) of the gecko world! You may think, hmmmm, why would the O-dog call these that? The fact here is as follows: One, this gecko is a tall and lanky like snoop, and two, they are African-American!  Just kidding ;)  And three, they seem to walk with a swagger which shows attitude, and they are from the desolate, abandoned gravel fields of the namib where they are adequately evolved to live in such a harsh terrain, similar to the ghetto of the Long Beach projects. The ghostly appearance of these geckos is absolutely frightening, and since their eggs take anywhere from 1.5 - 2 years to incubate makes them the longest incubating egg species of any reptile!!! 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

WEEK 31 !!! This week is another Namibian Gecko God, the red eyed Ptenopus carpi!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR fellow herpers!!!! And Wow, this gecko is simply amazing!!! I just cannot believe how cool of a gecko these are, this is another specie from the Skeleton Coast of Namibia. They come from the desolate, barren landscape also where last weeks highlighted gecko came from. These guys are fairly small and are known for their loud chirps that they shout at night. And without further adieu` . This specimen is a red eyed version of the ptenopus carpi. Enjoy!!!