Monday, June 14, 2010

WEEK 6! Starting out the week with the beloved Nephrurus Amyae (Centralian Knob tail gecko)

Ok, it was obvious that these beauties were going to make it into the countdown, the question was just when? One of my personal favorites, these geckos hail from a relatively small section of desert in the central Australian outback. They are the most massive of all the Australian geckos, and therefore they produce very large eggs. They can range from light yellow to deep orange to brownish in color. A very robust species of gecko with rosette spines located all over their bodies especially on their limbs. For their size they have large heads to enclose their strong jaw muscles which enable them to devour anything that will fit into their mouths; such as insects of all types, small reptiles, small rodents, and even scorpions! They are aggressive feeders whose small tails come to a perfect spherical knob at the tip making this genus very unique. There is still little known as to why they have this type of tail, and how evolution played it's part in regards to it. A gecko that on a good season will produce 4 clutches of eggs this animal is somewhat pricey, always sought after, and yes, it is readily available here at raw dog reptiles.  Check back next week for another crazy species!

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