Tuesday, July 20, 2010

WEEK 11, The Nephrurus levis levis!!!

So here we go, number 11 on the countdown is the smooth knobtail gecko (Nephrurus levis levis). This gecko is fairly widespread on the Australian continent, another knob tailed gecko on the list, but this variety is of the smooth skinned type. Typically living in small burrows, this carnivore feeds on invertebrates of all types, anything that can fit into their mouths, and be physically dominated. A very pretty, big eyed individual, prefers to reside under spinifex grasses or in unused insect burrows. Nocturnal by nature, this animal can vary greatly in it's appearance and has two other subspecies: the nephrurus levis occidentalis, and the nephrurus levis pilbarensis, with the latter having a albino population in captivity which is just spectacular in its' appearance. Here they are.....

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