Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WEEK 14-.......Oedura Coggeri!!!

 Well, this week is the Oedura coggeri, known as the Australian velvet gecko for it's extremely small scales and very soft skin.  This gecko is arboreal in nature, and can vary a good amount in its' pattern. Generally this Oedura is a smaller example of the genus, but in my eyes it is the most beautiful as well. As of recently the Oedura species have almost fallen off as a captive species as interest has considerably reduced among enthusiasts. Oedura are an extremely hardy captive that is perfect for any newcomer.  They breed easily and all they require is a humid environment, food, corkbark, and some insects. Be forewarned though, they can be masters in the art of escape! But they almost always don't stray far at all from their enclosures....Here they are:

1 comment:

  1. I love them! Nice job with the velvets. I have a couple and consider then some of the best geckos I've had the pleasure to work with.
    Thanks for the great info.
