Another live bearing reptile on the database of awesomeness, this gecko, like animals in the Naultinus genus are endemic to New Zealand. Commonly known as the Canterbury gecko, these amazing creatures were once categorized as a Hopolodactylus and subsequently re-classified into the Woodworthia genus. These animals pictured were photographed by Jon Boone (, and hopefully in the preferrably not so distant future will have some in my care =) It would appear that the females pictured are quite gravid (or just extremely obese), and it would be nice to see some offspring from these devilish beauties in due time! Well, stay tuned for two more hard hitting herps in the weeks to come!!! Enjoy.....
This large Eublepharidae is native to Eastern India, ie. Bangladesh, Chittagong, Russelconda, and even Anamallai, wherever that is?! lol just kidding. There's not too much written on these geckos, even in the eyelash gecko book that was published. These pictures were taken by Jon Boone ( of animals produced at his facility and from their looks they are not only very big, but the black and yellow's are really impressive. From what I have been told, these geckos prefer a moist environment unlike the typical 'leopard gecko' where that term seems to encompass a broad array of species. If you'd like to read a little bit more information and 'like' them on facebook you can click here: Here are some pics of an animal that just emerged from the egg and others that are younger juveniles. Enjoy!