Tuesday, May 1, 2012



*The buyer refers to the customer (you) that has purchased a reptile from myself (Oliver Kuepper), who will be known as the seller.  Certain terms also apply to any trades or barters that I engage in.  If the buyer send me (the seller) a deposit, he/she has agreed to all the terms and conditions stated below.    

-All transactions are on a first come first serve basis.  What that means is this:  The first person to call, email, or private message me gets first dibs.  That person will have one full day (24 hours) to either pay for the animals or the offer will go to the 2nd interested party.  This 24 hour countdown will begin right after I speak with the interested party, or right after I respond to their email.  Pictures, and any other information needed should be presented within the first correspondence with me so that I can carry out this timely sale of the animal(s) in question accordingly.  After 24 hours, I will give the 2nd inquiring party that this animal is available, and they will have 24 hours before I contact the 3rd inquiring party.  This pattern of events will continue until a deposit or a full payment has been received.  After a deposit has been made, all interested parties will be made aware that the animal(s) are no longer available via an email message.  In a time period with computer and internet access readily available almost anywhere, as well as the blackberry, and smart phone email capabilities there is no reason why if one is truly interested in a purchase that a response within 24 hours is not possible.        

-All orders must be paid in full prior to shipping.  The seller accepts almost all types of payments including to, but not limited to cash (USD, and Euro only), paypal, credit card (through paypal if necessary), money orders, direct checking account deposits, wire transfers, gold bullion, and checks (personal, business, certified, travelers, bank, etc).  Checks will have to have cleared before any animals will be shipped out.

-Payment plans can at times be entertained, but must strictly be followed according to the set agreements between the buyer and the seller.  Generally speaking cash or immediate payments take precedence over payment plans, and pricing may also be a factor in determining the final cost of a payment plan transaction.  Deposits will not be refunded under any circumstance, but they can be used towards another purchase that the buyer and seller mutually agree on and deem fair or acceptable.  The only time a refund will be given on a deposit is when an animal dies in my care during the allotted payment plan time frame.  If the terms of the payment plan have been breached, the seller will contact the buyer to see what’s going on.  If after numerous futile contact attempts of no correspondence over the course of 1 month (over 3 email messages, several phone calls including voice messages, and text messages) the set agreement/contract will be nullified and the sale will be voided.  In this case, the animals in question will be put back up for sale.  In this situation the seller will have no responsibility whatsoever to the buyer.  The fact is this:  We are dealing with live animals; there are many potential factors that can arise over time.  Including, but not limited to factors such as feeding expenses, time and effort needed to care for the animals, and the space needed to house them.  Many complications can arise over time which cannot be predicted, such as an animal getting sick, injured, dying, becoming gravid, etc.  Age and size of an animal plays a large part in the cost of a specific animal as well.  I cannot be held responsible for anything past our agreed upon time frame.        

- Satisfaction is guaranteed.  All animals are guaranteed to arrive alive, healthy, and in good condition.  I do not guarantee that an animal will live for any specific amount of time; I only guarantee that it will arrive alive and healthy.  I cannot be responsible for the buyers’ error so live animals have absolutely no warranty whatsoever.  A live guarantee will be voided if nobody is at the destination address to accept the package, or if an incorrect address has been supplied by the buyer.  If you are not satisfied with the animal I must be notified within 2 hours of its arrival by the carrier, and it must be shipped back to me that same day.  Refunds will be issued upon live arrival back at my facility.  The same goes for replacements.  They will only be replaced upon live arrival of the original animal(s) back at my facility.  In any of these circumstances the buyer will pay for shipping back to my facility, and for the shipping expense of the new animal if an exchange is applicable.  This is the case because I provide recent and accurate photographs of each individual animal prior to shipping.  Animals can change color depending on mood, temperament, and temperature as well as when they go into shed.  Pictures can slightly distort how an animal looks in person, but this must be assumed by the buyer.  I do not modify any photographs of my animals to enhance their appearance.            

-Additional shipping & handling cost is excluded in the price of the reptile, unless the buyer and the seller made a previous arrangement that the buyer would cover the cost of shipping.  Shipping + handling prices will be for the cost of overnight shipping (UPS, FedEx, USPS, and Delta Dash), an insulated box, and either a hot or cool pack(s) if needed depending on the season and the temperature.  S&H costs will be my expenses on these items, nothing more; I’m not looking to profit here.  My highest priority is to package and ship your animal with the highest quality packaging materials to ensure that the transit goes as smoothly as possible for you, the buyer, and the animal.  I can accommodate any method of shipping if the buyer has special requirements or prefers certain shipping companies over others.  Delta Dash orders will only be fulfilled on orders that exceed $1,000.  Please inquire about shipping abroad.  I can usually get animals to the Hamm show in Germany for a reasonable expense. 

-Any packages lost by the shipping company will be fully replaced or refunded by the seller at the sellers’ expense.  That includes any additional S&H costs. 

-The shipment of any animal(s) where an incorrect address is provided will result in a void of the live arrival guarantee, and additional fees may apply which shall be paid by the buyer due to their error.  Please double check for typo’s when sending me the shipping address to avoid this.  This additional cost will be forwarded to the buyer because certain shipping companies will charge additional fee’s for this error of this nature.  If I (the seller) input the address incorrectly, I will assume all responsibility.  

-In the unfortunate event of an animal injured in shipping, or arriving deceased; the animal will be replaced with NO expense to the buyer, or the full expense of the transaction will be refunded, including the cost of shipping.  Seller will cover ALL costs if an animal needs to be replaced.  Seller will assume expenses for shipping, and/or return shipping, animal replacement, etc.  Animal replacements will be made for animals of equal or greater value than the one purchased.  Both the buyer and the seller will agree upon a fair and acceptable replacement animal.  It is the buyers’ responsibility to notify the seller of any issues with the animals within 2 hours of the delivery time.  If I have not heard anything within 2 hours of delivery, all guarantees are void.  I cannot be responsible for any animals not in my care.  It is the buyers’ responsibility to research care and housing information prior to the purchase and acquisition the animal(s).  Inquire and I will be more than happy to explain how I keep the individual species and their individual requirements!  I recommend and keep all my animals separately.      

-All animals’ sexes are guaranteed.  Being that reptiles can at times be tricky to sex, a judgment error can occur in regards to determining sex.  It rarely happens, but it unfortunately does happen to the best of us from time to time.  In this situation it is the buyers’ responsibility to double check the sexes of the animals purchased, and if there is a mislabeling of a certain individual the buyer has 1 month to notify me of my error.  In this case I will replace the animal or refund the buyer for the full amount of the purchase price.  The replacement or the refund will cover all expenses of the transaction, including the return shipment of the animal, as well as the re-shipping if an animal is replaced. 

-All animals sold as unsexed are too young to be sexed 100% accurately and therefore they will be sold as unsexed.  I will never sell an animal as unsexed if I know that it is positively sexable.    

-I represent all my animals in the most accurate way possible given my equipment and knowledge.  I will do this through high resolution photographs, as well as by supplying information such as: date(s) of birth, information on each animals sex (whether they are male, female, or unsexable), animal lineages (bloodlines, parent information, what generation this animal has been produced in captivity etc. That is if I have that information available), and if more than one animal is being purchased, the relation of these animals (ie. siblings, cousins, unrelated, same father or same mother, etc.)  I can even supply information on what they were being fed while in my care or their individual food preferences.  Please inquire about the animals’ diet, lineages, or their relation to one another, and I will present you with this information as accurately as I possibly can given the individual circumstance.   

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