Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Guess who's back.......From a long recess period, my apologies....

OK, so I haven't posted on here in quite some time, but I'm looking to get back into this and turn it back up.  I don't have an official web site, so this is what I'm using.  I'm here to promote myself and my company a bit, but more so to build a site where I can promote specific species as well as posting nice photos of them, so that all of you can get a little eye candy of some more extravagant species now and again.  Enjoy, truly yours, blogger non extraordinaire Oli

For any questions, comments, concerns, inquiries, photos, availability lists contact me at

Check out an interview with me on the internet reptile radio show titled, "OTH aka The Other Herpcast".  It covers my particular experience with geckos in the genus Strophurus.  I'll throw up some pics too ;)  *Pics can be freely used, just please let me know that you will use them, thanks.

Here's the link:
Strophurus strophurus

Strophurus taenicauda

Strophurus williamsi

Strophurus intermedius

Strophurus ciliaris ciliaris

My tat of a Strophurus ciliaris ciliaris.  Terrible pic sorry.
This is a Strophurus ciliaris ciliaris trying to blend in with his surroundings.  They can white out like this depending on temperature, mood, or what color background they are on.    

Here are a few articles I did for the online magazine "Gecko time -" 
This first article is just an overview of the past season, and a brief look into the plans for 2014.  Scroll down to see my piece.  

This is a short article on Pachydactylus vanzylii "that other web foot gecko"  Scroll down to see my piece.

This is an article written on Colopus kochi.  It's an interesting species that just blows me away.  

This here is an article about Naultinus grayii, the beloved New Zealand Green Gecko.  

This is an article I had written a little while back in regards to cooling or hibernating, or brumating gecko's.  A debatable topic as whether it is necessary for some species, it is undoubtedly necessary for others.  Enjoy.  

And here is an article I wrote a while back in Practical Reptile Keeping magazine, which is a publication in England.  

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