Friday, August 20, 2010

WEEK 16This week is the Abronia Graminea for good reason.....

Alright so this week is the alligator lizard hailing from the cloud forests of southern Mexico (Me` he ~co) and northern Guatemala. This blazing beauty is new to me and my collection but has made a strong impact on me already.  This savage feeder needs rather cool temperatures, high humidity, and requires a great amount of UVB light in order to thrive. These animals come from higher elevations and feed on all types of insects, and can be rather quick if they want to be, and they do not have a problem holding their ground and biting if cornered. Characterized by some lovely shiny green scalation which does not overlap, this lizard has a black skin color which houses these scales and this gives it an authentic appearance. Here you go with some pictures, I hope you enjoy them... I think next week is going to be some quality amphibians as the countdown has none to date; check back soon for these ;) One

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